1481. The Effect of Open versus Closed Tasks on Improving the Oral Performance of Iranian EFL Learners
Author: /حسن پور سنجرانی فرد، سحر
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Open Task, Closed Task, Oral Performance

1482. The Effect of Persian to English Translation on Speaking and Writing Skills of Iranian Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners
Author: Khoshnam Ebrahimian ,Ebrahimian,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Persian to English Translation, Speaking Skill, Writing Skill,: ترجمه فارسی به انگلیسی- مهارت گفتاری- مهارت نوشتاری

1483. The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on EFL Vocabulary Learning and Retention of Iranian Guidance School Students
Author: /بناگذار، محمدامین
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: EFL Vocabulary, Portfolio, Portfolio assessment, Learning, Retention,واژگان زبان انگلیسی به عنوان یک زبان خارجی ,پورتفولیو)پوشه کار (,ارزیابی با پورتفولیو ,یادگیری ,نگاه داری

1484. The Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning on Iranian EFL Learners' Reading and Listening Comprehension
Author: Nastaran Behshad,Behshad,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: E-learning, Synchronous vs. Asynchronous E-learning, Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension,فاقد کلید واژه فارسی

1485. The Effect of Think-Pair-Share Interactional Activity on Improving Iranian EFL Learners' Willingness-To-Communicate
Author: /جعفری، حسن
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Think-Pair-Share, Willingness-To-Communicate, Conversation Analysis,تی پی اس، تمایل به ارتباط، تجزیه و تحلیل مکالمه

1486. The Effect of Using Argumentative and Descriptive Text Types on Iranian EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Listening Comprehension, Argumentative text, Descriptive text, Display Questions, Inferential Questions,متن توصیفی - متن استدلالی - سوالات صوری - سوالات استنتاجی درک شنیداری

1487. The Effects of Auditory Distraction on Test Performance of Iranian EFL Leaners, At High and Low Proficiency Level
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)

1488. The Effects of Augmented Reality (AR)-Infused Idiom Material on Iranian Students' Idiom Achievements, Motivation, and Perceptions
Author: Khoshnevisan, Babak
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Educational technology,Foreign language instruction,Language

1489. The Effects of Augmented Reality (AR)-Infused Idiom Material on Iranian Students' Idiom Achievements, Motivation, and Perceptions
Author: Khoshnevisan, Babak
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Educational technology,Foreign language instruction,Language

1490. The Effects of Early Childhood English Language Education Program on Very Young Learners' Vocabulary Knowledge and Communicative Skills
Author: Güngör, Burcu
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Children & youth,Critical thinking,Hands,Language

1491. The Effects of Early Childhood English Language Education Program on Very Young Learners' Vocabulary Knowledge and Communicative Skills
Author: Güngör, Burcu
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Children & youth,Critical thinking,Hands,Language

1492. The Effects of On-line and Pre-task Planning on Descriptive Writing of Iranian EFL Learners
Author: /محسن صفری
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Task-based Language Teaching,Planning,Writing,Accuracy,Complexity,Fluency

1493. The Effects of Presentation-based vs. Text-based Grammar Teaching on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners Performance in Grammar Tests: A Case of Relative Clauses
Author: /ایرانفر، ساسان
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Text-based grammar teaching , Presentation based grammar teaching,تدریس گرامر مبتنی برمتن تدریس گرامر مبتنی بر ارائه

1494. The Effects of Presentation-based vs. Text-based Grammar Teaching on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners Performance in Grammar Tests: A Case of Relative Clauses
Author: /بهبودنیا، نهال
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: corrective feedback; explicit CF; implicit CF; segmental word-level pronunciation errors,بازخورد اصلاحی، بازخورد اصلاحی صریح، بازخورد اصلاحی ضمنی، خطاهای تلفظی واحدهای زنجیری در کلمات

1495. The Effects of Word mapping, Root Analysis, and Collocation Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners' Vocabulary Development
Author: Leila Sharifi Ghasandoz,Sharifi Ghasandoz,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Collocation , Root, Root analysis, Vocabulary, Vocabulary learning strategies(VLSs), Word map,لغت، روش های یادگیری لغات، نقشه معنایی، ریشه لغت، تجزیه و تحلیل لغت، همایندها

1496. The Function of Instruction by Mind Mapping on Iranian Students’ Grammar Learning
Author: Nasim Dehghani,Dehghani,
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Mind Mapping, Grammar, Learning Strategies.,فاقد چکیده فارسی

1497. The Grammar Book For TOEFL: Answer Key
Author: / Compiled and edited by Hossein Farhady...[and others]
Library: Comprehensive Library of Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya Society (Qom)
Subject: English language - Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Study Guides,Test of English as a Foreign Language -- Study Guides,English language - Problems, exercises, etc
Classification :

1498. <The> Grammar Book for TOEFL
Author: / compiled and edited by Hossein Farhady...[et al]
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: English Language - Textbooks for Foreign Speakers,Test of English as a Foreign Language - Study Guides,English Language - Examinations - Study Guides,English Language - Grammar,زبان انگلیسی - کتابهای درسی برای خارجیان,آزمون تافل - راهنمای مطالعه,آزمون تافل - راهنمای مطالعه,زبان انگلیسی - دستور
Classification :

1499. The Grammar Book for TOEFL
Author: / Compiled and edited by Hossein Farhady...[and others]
Library: Comprehensive Library of Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya Society (Qom)
Subject: English language - Textbooks for foreign speakers -- Study Guides,Test of English as a Foreign Language -- Study Guides,English language - Grammar -- Study Guides
Classification :

1500. <The> Grammar book for TOEFL
Author: Hossein Farhady
Library: Library of Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences of Kashan University (Esfahan)
Subject: Test of English as a foreign language- Study guides,English language- Examinations- Study guides
Classification :